global actress priyanka chopra is asthmatic know what is asthma and its symptoms

global actress priyanka chopra is asthmatic know what is asthma and its symptoms

Priyanka Chopra Asthama: From Bollywood to Hollywood, the beautiful Priyanka Chopra, who has spread her shine, rules the hearts of millions of people. Priyanka is an international star and is equally cheerful and successful person. In such a situation, you cannot even imagine that Priyanka Chopra can be a victim of a disease like asthma. Yes, Priyanka Chopra is a victim of asthma and not only this, Priyanka herself had revealed on social media years ago that she has been an asthma patient since the age of five.

Asthma is a disease, if it is prevented and treated then it does not become a cause of trouble. But if its patient is careless then it can even be fatal. Let us know what is asthma and what are its symptoms.

What is asthma?
Asthma is actually a respiratory disease that can happen to a person of any age. It is said to be a chronic disease that affects the lungs i.e. the respiratory tract passing through the lungs. This disease can be controlled but it cannot be eradicated. This disease increases a lot due to dust, air pollution, small pollens, cigarette smoke, cold air and exposure to allergens, and changing weather.

Some people work in places where wood sawdust, animal fur, dandruff, chemicals, fibrous materials etc. enter the lungs through breathing and this causes asthma attack. Some people develop this disease in childhood. While some people become victims of this disease due to change in weather and allergy triggers present in the environment. When an asthma attack occurs, there is wheezing in the windpipe, difficulty in breathing and breathlessness.

symptoms of asthma

Asthma causes breathing problems. When an asthma attack occurs, there is a continuous cough, repeated coughing. Wheezing is felt in the chest while breathing. Breathing becomes difficult even after a little walking or work. The patient feels tightness in the chest and heaviness in the chest. A whistling sound is heard while breathing. A lot of phlegm starts forming in the patient’s throat.

The patient suddenly starts feeling tired and stressed. Usually the symptoms of asthma keep changing according to its stage and the condition of the attack. If there is a minor attack of asthma, then breathing becomes difficult. There is restlessness and panic and many times the patient starts panting even while talking.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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